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City Budhlada's I.K. Technical Institute affiliated to Gujral Punjab Technical University organizes programs from time to time but today Kalz celebrated its annual day. Parents of students were also invited to participate in the function. The faculty team of Call's along with student volunteers decorated the auditorium here with flowers and lights. College Chairman Dr. Naveen Singa, Society Member Rohit Tandon and Principal of Colleges started the program by lighting candles. The program started with prayers by the students. The students of the college participated in various activities in which songs, seminars, poems, tappe and gidha were presented. A play was also presented by the students on the conservation of trees. The chairman of the college in his brief speech welcomed the parents and students who came to the program and told about the academic record of the college in which the students who appeared in the merit list of the university also told about the positions obtained by the students in the results of December 2022. Society member of the college Rohit Tandon ji encouraged the students to be good citizens along with studies and asked them to shine the name of their parents along with the country. Principal of the college Dr. Navneet Singh ji said that the college keeps taking the students on educational tours along with the education of the students. College Chairman and Society Member Rohit Tandon ji honored the students who got positions in the University Merit List and December 2022 Result. College Principal Dr. Navneet Singh and Vice Principal Mandam Rekha also felicitated the students who participated in the annual program of the college. On this occasion, the management committee of the college, the parents of the students of the college staff as well as the students of the college were present.
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